Basic 32 Loader Control UGC007/0702
No Material Alarm
Possible cause
There is no material at
the source.
Loader Settings are
There is a leak in the
vacuum system.
r Verify that there is enough
material at the source,
including regrind sources if
a ratio valve is used.
r Verify that the material line
is connected to the correct
source of material.
If the parameters set on the
Loader Settings screen are
incorrect, material demand
may not be satisfied.
r Verify that the Load Time,
or Load Time plus Purge
Time, is sufficient to fill the
receiver. Adjust as needed.
r Verify that the Alarm
Check allows a sufficient
number of loading cycles to
fill the receiver. Adjust as
r Verify that the loader is
assigned to the correct
pump system.
If there are leaks in the system,
the pump cannot pull a good
vacuum and the receiver may
have no or little material flow-
ing into it. Check the vacuum
pump gauge. If the reading is
low, check all hoses, gaskets,
receiver lids, and valves for
signs of damage or wear.
Replace as needed.
The No Material Alarm can be triggered in two ways:
l The Alarm Check signals an alarm after the operator-set
number of consecutive loading attempts fails to satisfy the
receiver’s demand for material.
l The optional fill sensor in the receiver or hopper is not sat-
isfied after one loading cycle.