Configuring Apache [3]
accommodate your particular configuration (Section 4.1, page 15), but you may
find that you need to install CrayDoc manually (Section 4.2, page 16).
Just as with Stand-alone mode, the easiest way to install CrayDoc is with the
included install script. See Section 4.1, page 15.
3.3 Apache Tips and Troubleshooting
Some common troubleshooting tips for the httpd.conf file for installing in
Shared mode follow.
CrayDoc requires Apache ExecCGI permissions for the CrayDoc $ScriptAlias
directory (see Section 4.2.2, page 18 and Section 2.3.2, page 9 for more details).
The ScriptAliasMatch directive is an easy way to do this. If, for example, you
want to install CrayDoc under a user’s public_html/cgi-bin/ directory, add
the following line to your httpd.conf file in the mod_alias section:
ScriptAliasMatch ^/~([^/]*)/cgi-bin/(.*) "/ pathtouserhome/$1/public_html/cgi-bin/$2"
A slightly more secure option, since only the user may use it to execute scripts, is
the ScriptAlias directive:
ScriptAlias /~user/cgi-bin/ /pathtouserhome/user/public_html/cgi-bin/
Either directive also requires the Directory directive to allow users to access
that directory:
<Directory "/pathtouserhome/user/public_html/cgi-bin/*">
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
See the Apache documentation for more help in troubleshooting and configuring
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