CrayDoc™ Installation and Administration Guide
When you view man page listings in the CrayDoc user interface, each man
page should have both an implementation and a package name listed next to it.
The implementation information is the product name and version with which
the man page is associated.
On the CrayDoc CD, all the available man pages are located in the manpages
directory. You should use the cdadmin tool to install man pages. See Section
6.2, page 26 for more information.
5.2 Books
Cray delivers HTML versions of most books and PDF versions of all books.
Each book is identified by a publication number. On the CrayDoc CD, all the
PDF and HTML versions of the books are located in the manuals directory in
subdirectories named for the publication number of each book.
Books, like man pages, are grouped together into packages. A book package is a
collection of the books that support a particular version of a software product.
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