
E. Condensate Trap and Drain Line
All condensate which forms in the boiler or vent system leaves the boiler through the condensate trap.
This trap allows condensate to drain while retaining ue gases in the boiler. This boiler is supplied with a
length of drain hose already attached. Route this hose to a drain or other suitable location to dispose of the
condensate. Note the following when disposing of the condensate:
If the condensate drain line must be extended, construct the extension from PVC or CPVC pipe.
Insert the hose provided with the boiler into the end of the extension as shown in Figure 7.40.
Condensate is slightly acidic. Do not use metallic pipe or ttings in the condensate drain line. Do not
route the drain line through areas that could be damaged by leaking condensate.
Some jurisdictions may require that the condensate be neutralized before being disposed of. Dispose
of condensate in accordance with local codes.
Do not route, or terminate, the condensate drain line in areas subjected to freezing temperatures.
If the point of condensate disposal is above the trap, it will be necessary to use a condensate pump to
move the condensate to the drain. In such cases, select a condensate pump that is approved for use
with condensing furnaces. If over ow from this pump would result in property damage, select a pump
with an over ow switch and use this switch to shut down the boiler. Alternatively, if heat is a necessity,
use the over ow switch to trigger an alarm.
Do not attempt to move the trap from the location shown in Figure 7.40. Do not attempt to substitute
another trap for the one provided with the boiler.
Boiler condensate is corrosive. Route condensate drain line in a manner such that any
condensate leakage will not cause property damage. Some jurisdictions may require that
condensate be neutralized prior to disposal.
Failure to install the condensate trap and condensate drain in accordance with the above
instructions could cause ue gas to enter the building, resulting in personal injury or death.
Figure 7.40: Condensate Piping Arrangement