I Product Description
The MWC Series are gas fi red condensing boilers designed for use in forced hot water heating systems
requiring supply water temperatures of 176F or less and return water temperatures greater than 86F. The
primary heat exchanger is a copper water tube design. Additional heat is extracted from the fl ue gas in a
stainless steel secondary heat exchanger located down stream of the inducer. These boilers include a built in
circulator, expansion tank, and automatic air vent. In addition, “combi” models include a plate exchanger for
domestic hot water (DHW) generation. All MWC Series boilers are designed for installation on a wall and may
be vented vertically or horizontally with combustion air supplied from outdoors.
Key Component
1 Primary Heat Exchanger
2 Secondary Heat Exchanger
3 Inducer
4 Burner
5 Electrodes and Flame Rod
6 Circulator
7 Automatic Air Vent
8 Condensate Trap
9 Control Box
10 Differential Boiler Water Pressure Switch
11 Ignition module/Gas Valve
12 Air Pressure Switch
13 Flue Gas Temperature Limit
14 Supply Temperature Limit
* Expansion Tank
* Plate Heat Exchanger (Combi Only)
* 3-Way Diverting Valve (Combi Only)
* Supply Temperature Sensor
* DHW Temperature Sensor (Combi Only)
* DHW Flow Switch (Combi Only)
* Not visible