Dumping the Bucket
Lift the bucket high enough to clear the side of the
vehicle. Move the tractor in as close as possible, then
dump the bucket. See Figure 20.
Figure 20
Lowering the Bucket
After the bucket is dumped, back away from the
vehicle while lowering and rolling back the bucket.
Figure 21
Use extreme care when operating the loader on a
slope; keep the bucket as low as possible. This keeps
the bucket and tractor center of gravity low and will
provide maximum tractor stability. See Figure 19.
Figure 19
WARNING: Avoid injury or death from
rollover accidents:
• Moveandturntractoratlowspeeds.
• Watchforhiddenhazardssuchasholes,ditches,
and other obstructions which may cause tractor
and loader to tip over.
• Carryloadsclosetothegroundtoaidvisibilityand
lower center of gravity for improved stability.
• Balanceloadssoweightisevenlydistributedand
load is stable.
• Beextracarefulwhenoperatingonaslope.
• Donotoperateonsteepslopes.
• Donotstop,startorchangedirectionssuddenlyon
• TractorseatbeltandRoll-OverProtectiveStructure
(ROPS) must be present. Keep seat belt securely
fastened and keep ROPS systems in “up” position
at all times.
IMPORTANT: When transporting the load, keep the
bucket as low as possible to avoid tipping, in case a
wheel drops in a rut. Refer to Figure 19.