Peeling and Scraping
Use a slight bucket angle, travel forward, and hold
the lift control forward to start the cut. Make a five- to
eight-inch angle cut and break-out cleanly. See Figure
Figure 24
With the bucket level, start a cut at the notch approxi-
mately four inches deep. Hold the depth by feathering
the bucket control to adjust the cutting lip up or down.
When the front tires enter the notch, adjust the lift
cylinder to maintain proper depth. See Figure 25.
Figure 25
Make additional passes until the desired depth is
reached. During each pass, only use the bucket
control while at working depth. This will allow you to
concentrate on controlling the bucket angle to main-
tain a precise cut.
Operating with a Float Control
During hard surface operation, keep the bucket level
and put the lift control in the float position to permit
the bucket to float on the working surface. If hydraulic
down pressure is exerted on the bucket, it will wear
faster than normal. See Figure 22.
Figure 22
NOTE: The float will also prevent the mixing of surface
material with stockpile material. The float position will
reduce the chance of surface gouging when removing
snow or other material.
Loading from a Bank
Exercise caution when undercutting high banks. Dirt
slides can be dangerous. Load from as low as possi-
ble for maximum efficiency. Loader lift and break-away
capacity diminish as loading height is increased.
It’s important to keep the bucket level when approach-
ing a bank or pile. This will help prevent gouging in the
work area. See Figure 23.
Figure 23