
Product Reference Guide C-1
Appendix C
Keyboard Function
Key Mappings
Keyboard Model Cross Reference
Table C-2 summarizes the keyboard models, their defined protocol,
scancode set, and some unique features. The remaining tables in this
chapter provide the function key maps associated with each of the scan-
code sets.
Table C-1. USB Function Key Usage Map
ASCII Key value Usage Name
00 NUL ALT right Make 40h 00h
01 SOH ALT right Break
00h 00h
02 STX F11 00h 44h
03 ETX F12 00h 45h
04 EOT GUI right Make 80h 00h
05 ENQ GUI right Break
00h 00h
06 ACK CTRL right Make 10h 00h
07 BEL CTRL right Break
00h 00h
08 BS BS 00h 2Ah
09 HT TAB right 00h 2Bh
0A LF RIGHT arrow (inner keypad) 00h 4Fh
0B VT TAB left 02h 2Bh
0C FF Enter (right keypad) 00h 58h
0D CR CR 00h 28h
0E SO INSERT (inner keypad) 00h 49h
0F SI PAGE UP (inner keypad) 00h 4Bh
10 DLE PAGE DOWN (inner keypad) 00h 4Eh
11 DC1 HOME (inner keypad) 00h 4Ah
12 DC2 LEFT arrow (inner keypad) 00h 50h