
Configuring Console Management
key is the name of a file that contains the DSA public key. If your host’s implementation
requires a complete path to the file, specify the path here as well.
Example: set user name=secure loadkey=
Example: SSH2 and Menu Access
In this example, a Digi device is configured to use an SSH2 public key, and it presents a menu to the
administrator, from which he or she will select a device to manage.
Key aspects of this configuration include the following:
Two ports to which the managed devices are connected specify dev=prn, a device type that does
not spawn a login from the Digi device.
A menu specifies connect commands, which when selected provide connections to ports 1 and 2
and the managed systems. The menu also specifies a menu table index number of 6 (on the range
parameter), which is then linked to a user with the set user command
set ports dev=prn range=1-2
set line baud=19200 range=1-2
set menu name=menu1 t1="Console Management Menu" range=6
set menu name=menu1 range=6 name="Console Management Menu" m1="Connect to
System 1"
set menu name=menu1 range=6 c1="connect 1" m2="Connect to System 2"
set menu name=menu1 range=6 c2="connect 2"
set user name=admin1 defaultaccess=menu menu=6 password=on outgoing=on
set user name=admin1 loadkey=
Example: Alternate IP Addresses
In this example, the PortServer TS 8/16 is configured with
Alternate IP addresses using set altip commands, which assign IP addresses to ports 1 and 2.
This enables direct access to one of these ports with a Telnet command that specifies one of the
IP addresses.
Password protection on ports 1 and 2. This is done with the set auth command.
set ports dev=prn range=1-2
set line baud=19200 range=1-2
set auth login=1-2 range=2
set altip group=1 ip=
set altip group=2 ip=
User Command
In this example, a user Telnets to port 1 using an IP address. He/she will be required to log in before
access to the port is granted.