17-4 Symptom: Trouble Accessing a Port
Symptom: Trouble Accessing a Port
Use this procedure if you are having trouble accessing a PortServer TS 8/16 port. The specific
problem might be that you cannot logon from a terminal or the printer or modem is not working
This discussion assumes the following:
• That the PortServer TS 8/16 itself is working, that is, that it completes the boot cycle. If it is not,
see "Symptom: PortServer TS 8/16 Does Not Boot" on page 17-2.
• That the network is working. This is only pertinent if all ports are not working and
the malfunc-
tioning ports are RealPort ports. The discussion in "Symptom: Cannot Telnet to the PortServer
TS 8/16" on page 17-3 goes through the steps of validating the network connection.
Running PortServer TS 8/16 Hardware Diagnostics
Use this topic to run hardware diagnostic procedures to validate the PortServer TS 8/16.
1. Connect a terminal to a PortServer TS 8/16 port.
2. If the port is still using the default configuration, configure the terminal to use the following set-
tings (Otherwise, configure the terminal to match the port configuration):
• VT-100 emulation
• 9600 baud
• 8-bit characters
• 1 stop bit
• No parity
3. Reboot the PortServer TS 8/16.
4. When the LED begins blinking continuously, press the x key.
5. When the Hardware Diagnostics Menu appears, select a test to perform.
Things to Try See ...
If this is a RealPort port and all
ports are not working, ensure that
the RealPort process is running.
"Verifying the RealPort Process" on page 17-
Verify PortServer TS 8/16 port set-
"Checking and Changing Port Configuration"
on page 17-15
Verify the cabling to the peripheral
See the Digi One/PortServer Cable Guide for