Flow meter: Setting of the correct amount of water
FOM 71 MP-Lab
Flow meter: Setting of the correct amount of water
(All references in this document refers to ELS Document 438 9041-07
Installation of the flow meter control FOM 71 MP-Lab. See Appendix 1)
In IEC 60456 Ed 5 the amount of water levels programmed into the flow
meter shall be set according to table D.3 in the standard.
Program Set value A1 (Litre) Set Value A2 (Litre)
Cotton85°C 26 18
Cotton60°C 26 18
Cotton40°C 26 18
Synthetics/Blends60°C 22 4
Synthetics/Blends40°C 22 --a
Wool40°C 26 --a
Cotton30°C 26 18
Cotton20°C 26 18
a: No set value for A2 needed
IEC 60456 Ed5 Table D.3
Procedure for programming new set values into the flow meter:
• FollowtheprogramminggivenintheInstallationmanualfortheow
meter page 6 to 9.
• GothroughthecompletecongurationprocedureandsetA1andA2
(page 8 in the Installation manual) to the desired values.
• Controlthattheowmeterisdeliveringthecorrectamount.Ifadevia-
tion correct with the K-factor (See Chapter 18 Flow