Cleaning the machine
Cleaning the incoming supply water filter
Debris clogging the incoming supply water filter can prolong the supply
time so it falls outside the specification given in the standard. Therefore it
is necessary to clean the filter on a regular basis.
• Removetheincomingwaterhoseandremovethelter.Theltercart-
ridge can be easily removed from the valve housing. Clean the filter and
refit all components.
Inspecting and removing lint from heating elements and drain valve
• Abuild-upoflintaroundtheheatingelementsandatthedrainvalvecan
be seen from inside the inner drum. Use a battery torch to illuminate the
inner side of the outer drum through the holes in the inner drum. This
will allow you to see any lint around the elements and the drain valve.
• Ifthereislintontheheatingelements,theymustberemovedandclea-
ned. Disconnect the electrical wires and loosen the fastening bolt on
the element (do not remove the bolt). Using flat pliers, turn the threaded
and cleaned. Also clean the element if a layer of scale is visible. After
cleaning, refit the element and ensure that no water leaks are visible
around the element seal before refitting the front panel.
Removing lint from the drain valve
• Iflinthasbeenobservedin/onthedrainvalve,trytoremoveitviathe
heating element openings.
• Ifthisisnotpossible,thedrainvalvemustberemoved.
• Removethefrontpanelandunscrewallhosefasteningsonhosefrom
detergent box, to drain pipe and on the hose to the drum. Unscrew the
two bolts holding the drain valve unit and remove the electrical connec-
tion to the drain valve.
• Thedrainvalveassemblycannowberemoved.
• Reassembletheunitinreverseorder.
• Note:Donotplacetheelectricalconnectorinwrongplace(correctfre-
quency is 50 or 60 Hz).
• Alsoseeinstructionsonnextpage.