Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4801, Rev KB
December 2010
Rosemount 3051S
Transmitters are shipped fully calibrated per request or by the factory default of full scale (lower
range value = zero, upper range value = upper range limit).
Zero Trim
A zero trim is a single-point adjustment used for compensating mounting position and line
pressure effects. When performing a zero trim, ensure that the equalizing valve is open and all
wet legs are filled to the correct level.
If zero offset is less than 3% of true zero, follow the “Using the Field Communicator” instructions
below to perform a zero trim. If zero offset is greater than 3% of true zero, follow the “Using the
Transmitter Zero Adjustment Button” instructions below to rerange. If hardware adjustments are
not available, see the 3051S Reference Manual (document number 00809-0100-4801) to
perform a rerange using the Field Communicator.
Using the Field Communicator
Using the Transmitter Zero Adjustment Button
Push and hold the zero adjustment button for at least two seconds but no longer than ten
1. Equalize or vent the transmitter and connect Field Communicator.
2. At the menu, input the Fast Key sequence (refer to Table 1 or Table 2).
3. Follow the commands to perform a zero trim.
Figure 14. Transmitter Adjustment Buttons
PlantWeb Junction Box
4801_QIG_RevKB.fm Page 17 Friday, December 3, 2010 1:17 AM