Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4801, Rev KB
December 2010
Rosemount 3051S
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This installation guide provides basic guidelines for Rosemount 3051S transmitters (reference
manual document number 00809-0100-4801). It also provides the basic electronics guidelines for the
3051SFA (reference manual document number 00809-0100-4809), 3051SFC (reference manual
document number 00809-0100-4810), and 3051SFP (reference manual document number
00809-0100-4686). It does not provide instructions for diagnostics, maintenance, service, or
troubleshooting. This document is also available electronically on www.rosemount.com.
Explosions could result in death or serious injury:
Installation of this transmitter in an explosive environment must be in accordance with the
appropriate local, national, and international standards, codes, and practices. Please review
the approvals section of the 3051S reference manual for any restrictions associated with a
safe installation.
• Before connecting a Field Communicator in an explosive atmosphere, ensure the
instruments in the loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or non-incendive
field wiring practices.
• In an Explosion-Proof/Flameproof installation, do not remove the transmitter covers when
power is applied to the unit.
Process leaks may cause harm or result in death.
• Install and tighten process connectors before applying pressure.
Electrical shock can result in death or serious injury.
• Avoid contact with the leads and terminals. High voltage that may be present on leads can
cause electrical shock.
Conduit/Cable Entries
• Unless marked, the conduit/cable entries in the transmitter housing use a
/2-14 NPT
thread form. Only use plugs, adapters, glands, or conduit with a compatible thread form
when closing these entries.
4801_QIG_RevKB.fm Page 2 Friday, December 3, 2010 1:17 AM