Is the diskette write-protected? There may be a write-protect tab
over the notch on the side of the diskette (5¼-inch) or the write-
protect switch may be set (on a 3½-inch diskette). Before you
remove the write-protection, check the directory of files for that
diskette to see which files it contains; it may contain information
you do not want to change or lose.
Although you should normally write-protect all program
diskettes, some programs store temporary files on the diskette.
These programs do not work if you write-protect the diskette.
Hard Disk Problems
If you have problems with your hard disk when you first start to use
it, make sure it is properly set up. Try the following steps:
Verify that the hard disk has been properly prepared according to
the instructions in Chapter 3.
If you cannot boot from your hard disk, you may be missing one
of the MS-DOS system files. Turn off your computer and insert
your working copy of the Startup/Operating 1 diskette into drive
A. Then turn on your computer and log onto your hard disk
If this procedure works, make sure the file COMMAND.COM is
in the root directory of your hard disk. If the file is not in the
root directory, use the COPY command to copy COMMAND.COM
from the diskette to the hard disk, and then restart your system.
If COMMAND.COM is already in the root directory, use the
MS-DOS COMPARE command (or the MENU utility) to
compare the COMMAND.COM file on your diskette with the
COMMAND.COM file on your hard disk. If the files don’t
match, use the COPY command to replace COMMAND.COM
on your hard disk with the COMMAND.COM file on your
If the hard disk still doesn’t work, the root directory of your hard
disk may be missing some hidden system files. (Hidden files are
not displayed when you list files using the DIR command,)
Troubleshooting A-5