The added storage capacity makes it easy to move back and forth
between different programs and data files. However, because it is so
easy to add programs and files to your hard disk, you may find
yourself trying to organize hundreds of files.
MS-DOS lets you keep related files together in directories and
subdirectories so they are easier to find and use. See Chapter 5 for
instructions on how to use directories.
Epson also includes the XTREE utility with MS-DOS. XTREE
provides simple menus that allow you to move, create, delete, and
rename files and directories, as well as view and execute files. See
Chapter 5 for an introduction to XTREE or see your MS-DOS
Reference Manual for complete instructions.
If your Equity 386 has a hard disk drive, follow these precautions to
protect it from damage and to avoid losing data:
l Never turn off the computer when the hard disk drive light is on.
This light indicates that the computer is copying data to or from
the hard disk. If you interrupt this process, you can lose data.
l Never attempt to open the hard disk drive. The disk itself is
enclosed in a sealed container to protect it from dust.
If you are going to move your computer (even to another part of
the room) and you are using a non-Epson hard disk, run the
program called HDSIT to prepare the hard disk before moving.
See “Preparing the hard disk for moving,” below, for instructions.
A hard disk must be partitioned and formatted before you can use it.
Be sure you have performed the procedures in Chapter 3 to prepare
your hard disk for use.
You can enhance the performance of your hard disk by using the
MS-DOS HDCACHE command. See your MS-DOS manual for
instructions on using HDCACHE.
Using the Equity 386