Copy-protected program
A type of program that cannot be copied. Some copy-protected
programs require you to leave the program diskette in the
diskette drive while you are using it. Some also require the
computer to be running at simulated 8 MHz instead of 16 MHz.
See also Auto speed.
Central Processing Unit. The primary unit of the computer that
interprets instructions, performs the tasks you indicate, keeps
track of stored data, and controls all input and output
Current directory
The directory where MS-DOS executes your next command,
unless you tell it to do otherwise (by including a pathname with
the command). Also known as the default or working directory.
Current drive
The disk drive from which MS-DOS executes your next
command, unless you tell it to do otherwise (by including a
drive designator with the command). Also known as the default
The highlighted marker that shows your position on the screen.
See Tracks.
Information such as text or graphics stored or processed by a
Glossary 5