
Chapter 4
Using MS-DOS with Your Equity 386SX
Your Equity 386SX comes with version 4.01 of MS-DOS. This
operating system manages your computer by organizing the
computer’s memory, controlling the monitor display, receiving
keyboard input, and accessing data.
How much you need to know about MS-DOS depends on how
you will be using your computer. If you plan to use it just to run
application programs, the few MS-DOS commands you’ll need
are introduced in this chapter. If you plan to use advanced
features, refer to your MS-DOS Reference Manual for complete
descriptions of MS-DOS commands and features.
This chapter covers the following topics:
Starting and exiting MS-DOS
Using drive designators
Types of MS-DOS commands
Entering an MS-DOS command
Setting the date and time
Creating and managing files
Using directories
Formatting diskettes
Backing up data
The MS-DOS Shell program
Using the Epson HELP program
Using MS-DOS with Your Equity 386SX