This manual contains the information you need to get the best
results from your computer. You don’t have to read everything
in this book; check the following summary.
Chapter 1 covers general operating procedures, such as turning
the computer on and off, using disks and disk drives, entering a
password, and changing the processor speed.
Chapter 2 provides instructions for removing and replacing the
computer’s cover, front panel, and subassembly so you can
access components inside the computer.
Chapter 3 describes how to change jumper settings and install
optional equipment such as option cards, memory modules, a
CPU card, an OverDrive module, a math coprocessor, and a
video daughter-board.
Chapter 4 explains how to install and remove disk drives.
Chapter 5 provides instructions for running system diagnostics.
Chapter 6 gives the procedure for formatting a hard disk.
Chapter 7 contains troubleshooting tips.
Appendix A lists the specifications of your computer.
At the end of this manual, you’ll find a glossary and an index.
Please see the
Setup Guide
for instructions on setting up your
system and running the SETUP program.