
20 Rev. B
De-installing The GETC-1e Software
If a problem arises while upgrading or installing the
new software, it may be necessary to de-install the software.
Restoring the site to its original configuration will depend
on which of the following the original hardware platform.
The two cases are described below.
If the original equipment configuration was a GETC1e
(GETC with Turbo) platform, then perform the following
1. Replace Group 5 GETC PROM with original
2. Reload original Turbo software using PC
3. If changes were made to the personality, then
reload the previous parameters.
4. The Speedy microprocessor upgrade, if installed,
does not need to be reversed.
If the original equipment was a GETC (GETC with no
Turbo) platform, then perform the following steps:
1. Replace Group 5 GETC PROM with original
2. Disable the Turbo by sliding Turbo switches S2
and S3 toward the front of the GETC shelf.
3. Re-install the original personality EEPROM, if it
was removed, else no change.
4. The Turbo upgrade, if installed, does not need to
be reversed.
5. The Speedy microprocessor upgrade, if installed,
does not need to be reversed, except for SCAT
This procedure provides instructions for downloading
the Turbo software. The software is included in the Turbo
Media Kit, 344A4414. The installation process involves
downloading the GETC1E utilities to an IBM compatible
personal computer (PC), and connecting the programming
cable (TQ-3360) between the PC and the Turbo Board
programming connector.
When using PC Programmer TQ-3357 V3 (or earlier)
and downloading 344A4414G3 (and earlier) software, the
data from the PC files is routed to the Turbo Board
microprocessors through Turbo Board programming
connector J100 at the rear of the GETC Shelf.
When using PC Programmer TQ-3357 V4.03 (or
later), the Turbo software is downloaded to the Turbo
Board microprocessors through Turbo Board programming
connector J104. Programming through J104 also allows
you to load the GETC personality without changing setups.
In addition, the V4.03 PC Programmer will diagnose any
problems between the PC and the GETC during the
downloading process and simplify the handling and
archiving of the Turbo software.
PC Programmer TQ-3357 V4.03 must be used
when upgrading to 349A9607G5 (or later). Only
TQ-3357 V4.03 (or later) is capable of using Field
Macros. When using 349A9607G5 software, the
Field Macro “gtc_9505.mac” must be installed
into TQ-3357 to access the new feature’s
Equipment Required
IBM PC/XT/AT or compatible with at least 640K
memory, monitor and keyboard running MS-DOS
version 3.0 or higher.
Hard disk is recommended; but, not required.
Serial Port configured as either COM1 or COM2.
TQ-3360 programming cable.
Male DB-25 to female DB-9 adapter or cable if the
PC's serial port connector is a male DB-9
connector instead of a male DB-25 connector.
Station Turbo Software distribution diskette
344A4414 (344A4414G5 required when installing
349A9607G5 GETC Software). Refer to
SRN1060 and SRN1062 to verify software
Field Macro “gtc_9505.mac” (supplied with
the Station Turbo Software distribution disk).