
Rev. B 7
Receive Adjacency information from the Site
Controller or Downlink.
Count the number of actual Adjacent Systems
listed in the Adjacency Message.
Build an Adjacencies Table Length Definition
Message and send it.
If a Priority System is defined, build a Priority
System Definition Message and send it.
For each Adjacent System, build an Adjacent
System Definition Message and send it.
The Control Channel expects an Adjacency Data
update from the IMC every 25 seconds or sooner.
The Control Channel will stop sending Adjacency
Data if the Link to the IMC breaks, or if it waits
longer than 30 seconds for an adjacency
information update from the IMC.
If the Link to the IMC breaks, after it recovers, the
CC will wait for a fresh set of Adjacency Data
before it will begin sending over-the-air (RF)
Adjacency Data.
Radio users must ensure the radio’s personality has
“Pro-Sound” enabled and the radio feature encryption
option “wide area scan” or “priority scan” is active.
Configuration Considerations
Pro-Sound does not require any hardware changes or
special software configuration. The feature is activated
from the MOM PC, which is connected to the IMC.
Enhanced Multi-Site Login
The Enhanced Multi-Site Login feature provides a
method to enhance signaling integrity, on both the inbound
Control Channel and Working Channel, in an environment
where a distant site is operating with the same frequency
set or where intermodulation interference is a
Enhanced Multi-Site Login is achieved by means of a
digital “color code” on the inbound Control and Working
Channel signaling. The CRC (BCH error correction),
which is appended to the end of each message, is coded (by
the radio) and decoded (by the GETC) in a unique way as
determined by the color specified in the GETC personality.
This allows the specified site (i.e. having the correct site
color) to acknowledge the receiving a radio transmission in
an area where many sites may also receive the
transmission. This is implemented as follows:
1. A particular site color is programmed in the
Control Channel GETC.
2. The outbound Control Channel messaging tells the
radio which “color” to use on inbound
3. Inbound transmissions from the radio to the
Control and Working Channel are coded with
correct color.
Users must have radio’s software upgraded to support
this feature.
Configuration Considerations
The Enhanced Multi-Site Login feature does not
require any hardware changes. However, it does
require special configuration of the GETC
To enable Enhanced Multi-Site Login, the “Site
Color” parameter needs to be programmed into the
GETC Personality. This feature is a Personality
Extended Site Option loaded into the PC
Programmer software via the Field Macro file
gtc_9505.mac.” Refer to the Personality
Programming section in this manual for additional
information on Field Macro installation into the
PC Programmer, TQ-3357.
Only PC Programmer TQ-3357 V4.03 (or later)
can be upgraded through the use of Field Macros.
Current Field Macros may be downloaded from
the accompanying Station Turbo Software
distribution disk or from Ericsson’s “One1Call”
Electronic Information Retrieval system.
Voted Digital Interconnect
The Voted Digital Interconnect (VDI) feature allows
Voted and Simulcast sites to have access to the digital
Central Interconnect system, Jessica.
For a Voted (Non-Simulcast) system, an additional
GETC per channel is required, making the configuration
more like that of a Simulcast system. All GETCs attached
to RF receivers will operate as Satellite Receivers, and the
added Control GETC will take on transmit responsibilities
similar to those of the Simulcast Control Point GETC. The
main purpose of the additional GETC is to provide a
synchronous data input port which can be connected to the
output of the voter. This provides the Control GETC the