
172 | Index
attaching to spindle, 50
configuration settings, 76 to 79,
97 to 98, 155
custom settings, 57 to 59
custom size, 62, 70, 74, 91 to 94
cut sheet, 36 to 48
Epson, 49
handling, 35 to 59
heavy stock, 43 to 48
jams, 160 to 162
light, 144
loading in tray, 36
loading manually, 43 to 48
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5 options,
91 to 94
non-Epson, 57 to 59
ordering, 49
printable area, 167
problems, 159 to 162
removing from spindle, 54
roll, 49
specifications, 166
suction, 58, 77, 98
trim lines, 72, 99
Paper cutter, see Cutter
Paper paths, 37 to 38
Paper Size setting
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 91 to 94
problems, 157
Windows, 70, 73 to 74
Paper Source setting
problems, 157
Windows, 70, 73
Paper tray
capacity, 38
loading, 36
Pause/reset light, 17, 144
Pausing print jobs
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 105
Windows, 85
PF (paper feed) motor, checking
status, 117
PhotoEnhance, 68
Photoshop, Adobe, 109 to 115
Platen Gap setting
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 98
problems, 155
Windows, 77
Posterboard, 43 to 48
Power cleaning cycle, 124 to 125
Power consumption, 165
Power light, 17, 144
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 101
Windows, 82 to 83
Print as Bitmap setting, 87
Print head
aligning, 125 to 126
checking status, 117, 118
cleaning, 120 to 125
Print jobs
canceling, 85, 105
managing, 85 to 88, 104 to 105
pausing, 85, 105
Print quality
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 96
problems, 152 to 156
Windows, 64 to 65
Print speed, improving in Windows,
Printable area, 167