
Index | 173
cable, 11, 12
checking status, 85 to 88, 120
cleaning, 141
default settings, restoring,
131 to 132
dimensions, 166
maintaining, 117 to 141
monitoring, 85 to 88, 120
moving, 141 to 142
parts, 16
setting up on network, 23
software, uninstalling, 163
specifications, 165
status check, 117, 120
storing, 141 to 142
total print volume, 118
transporting, 141 to 142
turning off, 14
weight, 166
Printer driver
installing in Macintosh, 30
installing in Windows, 28 to 30
banding, 153
blank paper, 157
blurry prints, 155
cable, 157
color, 154, 157
diagnosing, 143
faint prints, 155
garbled characters, 157
ghosting, 154
graininess, 154
inverted image, 157
margin, 157
misalignment, 153
misregistration, 154
nothing prints, 157
operational, 156 to 157
paper, 159 to 162
print quality, 152 to 156
print speed, 87, 158
printing stops, 156
roll paper cannot be cut, 158
smeared prints, 155
Profiles, color, 109 to 115
Progress Meter, 85, 86
Quality Options, Windows, 64 to 65
Registering non-Epson media,
57 to 59
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 97 to 98
Windows, 76 to 79
Requirements, system, 11, 12
Mac OS X 10.6 & 10.5, 96
Windows, 64