Playback Bar Name Description
Layout TheEMV400 DVR has several display modes available. Click on the
desired layout choice
Display mode Press to show camera information, press again to show network,
HDD, GPS information. Press again to hide all information.
Audio Press to cycle through Audio 1, 2,3,4 or no audio
Fast Rewind Press to start fast reverse playback
Play Press to playback **
Fast Forward Press to start fast forward playback
Search Press to search by Time, Event, G Sensor or GPS. Please see “3.4
Search” for more details about search function.
Archive Press to save a video clip to USB. Please see “3.5 Archive” for more
details about archive function.
Exit Exit from playback bar
** During playback, DVR will stop recording. When an event occurred while playback, event log will be
saved but won’t display alarm status.