Figure 4-43 System-I/O Control-RS452
Baud Rate: The speed used to transmit instructions or information through the RS485 port on the DVR.
Choose from the following speeds: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 BPS.
Data Bit: The number of data bits used in a data packet or word. This can be set to 8 or 7.
Stop Bit: This field is to set the number of stop bits indicating the end of a data packet. This can be set to 1
or 2.
Parity: This selects the transmission error checking rule. Choose either None, Odd, or Even.
PTZ Protocol: Select PTZ protocol, choose from the following protocols: Transparent, Pelco D, Pelco P, or
Everfocus. (NOTE: all cameras on the bus must use the same protocol)
485 ID: This is the ID used by the EKB500 to send commands to the DVR. On an RS485 connection, every
device (PTZ, DVR and controller) must be assigned a unique ID number between 0 and 127.
One remote control can be used to operate several DVRs. The DVR to be addressed is selected by
pressing the key corresponding to its ID number on the remote control.
Remote Controller ID: ID used by the remote control to select this DVR.
button to return to the previous level of menu.