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Paper Found: <ESC> <‘Q’> <0x3F> <0x3F> <n1> <n2>
n1 and n2 are the high and the low nybble,
respectively, describing how many (0.25mm) dot
lines were required to find Q-Mark. Each nybble is
or'ed with 0x30.
Paper Not Found: <ESC> <‘Q’> <0x30> <0x30> <n1> <n2>
n1 and n2 are the high and the low nybble,
respectively, describing how many (0.25mm) dot
lines were processed . Each nybble is or'ed with
§§ Form Loading
Load Form: <ESC> <‘L’> <‘T’> <n> <data> <EOS>
n {0x00 .. 0x09} denotes form storage location.
Data bytes are formatted as byte pairs <m> and <c>.
m: character qualifier {0x00 .. 0x09}
c: ASCII character or array index value.
If m = 0x00 then c is an ASCII fixed character.
If m is not equal to 0x0, then m specifies the
variable array identification number while c
indicates the index of the array.
EOS = 0xff indicates end of character string.
Load Form Variable Data: <ESC> <‘L’> <‘t’> <m> <data> <0x00>
m = {0x0 .. 0x09}: variable array identification
data : ASCII string saved to variable array