T. EFFECTS LOOP MONO SEND-This jack provides an unbalanced mono output signal from the preamp at a point before
the internal effects circuits (REVERB & CHORUS). This output can be used in conjunction with the U. MONO RETURN as
a patch point for mono effects devices. (SEE: EFFECTS LOOP CONNECTION DIAGRAMS). The MONO SEND can also
be used to feed recording and sound reinforcement mixers a dry signal. (For a signal with internal REVERB and/or
CHORUS, use the V. STEREO SEND jack.) Additionally this output can be used to drive another PRINCETON CHORUS
as a slave amp. This is done by connecting a standard guitar cord from the MONO SEND jack of the master amplifier to
the MONO RETURN jack of the slave.
U. EFFECTS LOOP MONO RETURN -This unbalanced jack inputs signal to the stereo chorus and reverb generating
circuitry, which drives the stereo power amp section. It automatically disconnects the preamp signal when used. This is
useful when using the Mono Effect Loop option or when using the PRINCETON CHORUS as a slave amplifier for a mono
signal source. The REVERB & CHORUS are active in the slave so that a stereo image will be generated if the chorus is
used. NOTE: In order to function properly, a dummy plug or an extra guitar cord must be inserted into B. INPUT
2 of the slave amp with its VOLUME controls turned down.
V. EFFECTS LOOP STEREO SEND-This jack provides an unbalanced stereo output from the preamp, reverb and chorus
circuits of the PRINCETON CHORUS. This output can be used in conjunction with the W. STEREO RETURN as a patch
point for stereo effects devices. (SEE: EFFECTS LOOP CONNECTION DIAGRAMS). The Stereo Effects Loop jacks are
standard 1/4 inch Tip-Ring-Sleeve types, with the left channel signal on the tip and the right channel signal on the ring.
This send can also be used to feed a stereo signal to two channels of a recording or sound reinforcement mixer.
Additionally this output can be used to drive another PRINCETON CHORUS as a slave amp. This is done by connecting
a shielded stereo cord from the STEREO SEND jack of the master amplifier to the STEREO RETURN of the slave.
W. EFFECTS LOOP STEREO RETURN-This stereo jack inputs signal directly to the left and right power amps. It
automatically disconnects the preamp, reverb and chorus circuitry when used. This is useful when using the PRINCETON
CHORUS as a slave amplifier for a stereo signal source.
X. HEADPHONES-This jack provides an output to standard stereo headphones for private listening. NOTE: Use of this
jack automatically disables the main speakers. CAUTION: Prolonged listening at high levels may be hazardous
to your hearing! This jack can also be used as an unbalanced stereo line output, which is post effects-loops, by using a
standard Tip-Ring-Sleeve 1/4 inch phone plug connection. (Mono plugs may be used at this jack for headphones or a line
out, but the sound quality of the internal CHORUS, if used, may be degraded slightly. If a mono plug must be used at this
jack, it is suggested that a stereo plug with Tip and Ring connected together be inserted at the V. STEREO SEND jack.
This will restore the lush quality of the internal CHORUS.
Y. POWER INDICATOR-When this indicator is illuminated the PRINCETON CHORUS is receiving power,
Z. POWER SWITCH-Turns AC power ON and OFF. When the switch is OFF the amplifier is completely shut down.