LINE CORD - This amplifier is equipped with a grounding type supply cord to reduce the possibility of leakage current. Be
sure to connect it to a grounded receptacle. Operation from an ungrounded (two pronged) AC receptacle
requires a three to two contact grounding type adapter. Be sure to connect the adapter’s grounding lead to
a good earth ground. DO NOT ALTER THE AC PLUG.
VINYL CARE- The exclusive Fender vinyl covering on your cabinet has been especially designed for years of lasting beauty.
A very light soapy solution on a sponge may be used to remove dirt and residue that may accumulate in the
grain. Be careful not to let any liquid come in contact with operating surfaces. DO NOT have the amplifier
plugged into the power outlet when cleaning.
Troubleshooter’s Checklist
If the amp is set up but does not function, check the following items:
-Is the amp power cord properly plugged into an electrical outlet?
-Is there power at the outlet?
-Are the speakers properly connected to the amplifier?
-Are all the control knobs turned up above four?
-Is the volume control on the instrument turned up?
-Is your instrument properly plugged into the amplifier?
(Eliminate any effect pedals and try another guitar cord.)
If, after checking all of the above, the system is still not performing correctly,
consult your Fender Service Dealer.
PART NUMBER: 22-5700
DIMENSIONS: Height: 17-1/2” (44 cm)
Width: 22-3/8” (57 cm)
Depth: 10-3/16” (26 cm)
WEIGHT: 38 lbs. (17.2 kg)
INPUT IMPEDANCE: INPUT 1 only-1 meg Ohm. INPUT 2-131k Ohm.
NOMINAL LEVEL: INPUT 1 only-100mv., INPUT 2-200mv.
POWER OUTPUT: 25.5 Watts R.M.S. per channel = 51 Watts R.M.S.
RATED LOAD IMPEDANCE: 8 Ohms per channel.
MONO EFFECTS LOOP: Nominal Level: -10dBv.
Send Output Impedance: 1k Ohm.
Return Input Impedance: 25k Ohm.
STEREO EFFECTS LOOP: Nominal Level: -10dBv.
Send Output Impedance: 1k Ohm.
Return Input Impedance: 150k Ohm.
(Specifications for each channel Left on Tip, Right on Ring)
POWER REQUIREMENTS: 120 Volts AC 60 Hz., 1.2 Amps Max., 145 Watts Max.
SPEAKER COMPLEMENT: Two 8 Ohm Fender Special Design 10 inch (P.N. 029753) speakers.
SOUND: “TUBE or not TUBE!”
1130 Columbia Street, Brea, California 92621