Using Additional Capabilities 6 - 5
t2 from TRIG Measures the time difference between
the trigger occurrence and the right cursor.
V1 Measures the voltage amplitude where the left
cursor crosses the waveform.
V2 Measures the voltage amplitude where the right
cursor crosses the waveform.
Vrms Measures the Root Mean Square (rms) voltage
between the cursors.
V DC (mean) Measures the MEAN (average of read-
ings) value of waveform between the cursors.
Vpeak/peak Measures the PEAK to PEAK value of the
waveform between the cursors.
Vmax peak Measures the maximum peak value of the
waveform between the cursors.
Vmin peak Measures the minimum peak value of the
waveform between the cursors.
frequency Measures the frequency of the waveform
between the cursors. At least 1
cycles of this wave-
form must occur between the cursors. You can scroll a
waveform through the cursors by pressing .
Read the frequency change in the bottom display.
rise time Measures the rise time between 10% and
90% points of the waveform. The 0% and 100% points
are determined by the intersection of the waveform and
the cursors. Set the rising slope to at least four time
divisions for a precise measurement.
phase Measures the phase shift between two
waveforms. You can select upto three waveforms for
phase measurements to a reference waveform as
selected with Measure on Waveform.