Measuring Examples 7 - 7
When used with the optional 80i-1000s Current Probe, the
ScopeMeter test tool is able to measure voltage and
current at the same time. This may be used to measure
average power consumption of an electrical load on a
single-phase circuit. This measurement is reliable over a
wide range of frequencies, irrespective of the wave shapes
of voltage or current.
In this example you make use of the previous
measurement setup, measuring current with the 80i-1000s
on INPUT A, and will add the voltage measurement using
the grey 10:1 probe on INPUT B. Be sure that INPUT A is
set to 10 mV/A, and INPUT B is set for a 10:1 probe.
This example shows the connection method and MATH
function operation that accomplishes this.
Figure 7-6. Power Measurement Setup