144 FONIX 7000 Hearing Aid Analyzer
In other words, the bottom graph of the insertion gain screen shows the differ-
ence between the sound field measured by the reference microphone outside of
the ear and the probe microphone in the ear canal. (When the reference micro
phone is disabled, the estimated sound field is subtracted.) The top graph shows
the insertion gain, which are the values obtained when the unaided response is
subtracted from the aided response.
Target Curve A, displayed in the top graph in the Real-ear Insertion Gain screen,
is automatically adjusted to the source type and amplitude of the current select
ed curve when REAG 2-5 are selected. When REUG 1 is selected, Target Curve
A uses the source settings of REAG 3. (This only applies when the NAL-NL1 fit
ting rule is selected. All other fitting rules on the 7000 are linear, which means
the target does not change with respect to the source type and amplitude of the
Most of the operations of the Insertion Gain screen are identical to the opera
tions of the Real-ear SPL screen. Therefore, most of the instructions found in
this section apply to measurements performed in both screens. Any differences
between operations in the two screens are noted.
To enter the Insertion Gain screen, press [F2] from the Opening screen to enter
the Real-ear Navigation screen. Then press [F3].
Figure 6.4.1—Real-ear Insertion Gain screen. Curve 1 is an REUG (unaided) measurement.
Curve 2 is an REAG (aided) measurement. Curve 6 is the REIG (insertion gain) curve. Curve A
is the real-ear prescription target.