Chapter 3 55
Basic Sound Chamber Tests
In the Coupler screen, you can view measurement curves in dB SPL or dB Gain,
and run them with Composite, Digital Speech, or pure-tone signals. You can dis
play up to 10 curves on the Coupler screen at the same time.
From the Opening screen of the 7000 test system, enter the Coupler screen by
pressing [F1].
The Coupler Multicurve screen can be set as the screen that appears when the
7000 test system is powered or the [RESET] button is pressed. See Section 2.2.1
and 2.2.4 (Other sub-section) for details.
3.1 The Coupler Screen Display
The display of the Main Coupler Screen varies depending upon whether you
have chosen a pure-tone source or a composite (including Digital Speech)
3.1.1 Viewing a Pure-tone Display
Figure 3.1.1—Coupler Screen with pure-tone source