
Real-Ear Measurements 93
2. Set up the client, insert the probe tube, and level the sound field speaker as described in
Section 5.1.
3. Insert the client’s hearing aid into the ear, making sure not to dislodge the probe tube.
4. Select the desired source type with F7. See Section 2.4 for a discussion of source types.
5. Select the desired amplitude for the first aided measurement by using the AMPLITUDE knob.
We recommend a soft speech level such as 50 dB SPL.
6. Press START/STOP to start the measurement. If you are using a composite, fast pure-tone,
or Digital Speech signal, you will have to press START/STOP again to stop the measurement
when it stabilizes. This “soft speech” measurement curve should exceed the patient’s thresh
old levels, enabling the patient to hear soft speech.
7. Press F3 to select AIDED 2.
8. Select the source level with the AMPLITUDE knob. We recommend using 60-70 dB SPL for a
medium speech level measurement. Normally, this measurement will be taken with the same
source type used in the first aided measurement curve.
9. Press START/STOP to start the measurement. If you are using a composite, fast pure-tone,
or Digital Speech signal, you will have to press START/STOP again to stop the measure
ment when it stabilizes. This “medium speech” measurement curve should meet the target,
enabling the patient to hear normal speech.
10. Press F3 to select AIDED 3.
11. Use F7 to select the source type. Since AIDED 3 is usually done at 90 dB SPL, we recommend
the SHORT pure-tone sweep. This will ensure that the pure-tone signal is fully 90 dB SPL at
each frequency (not speech weighted), and that the client will be subjected to the loud noise
for only a short period of time.
12. Use the AMPLITUDE knob to select the desired amplitude. We recommend using 90 dB SPL
as a loud test signal.
13. Press START/STOP to take the measurement. If you are using a short pure-tone signal as rec
ommended, the sweep will only be performed once; you will not need to press START/STOP
again unless you want to repeat the measurement.
You now have a good picture of the hearing aid fitting and how the hearing aid responds to signals
at soft speech, medium speech, and loud levels. See Figure 5.4.4.