58 FONIX FP40 Portable Hearing Aid Analyzer
4.1.3 Running the test sequence
1. Level the sound chamber if necessary. See Section 3.2 for details.
2. Set up the aid for testing. See Section 4.1.1.
3. Close the sound chamber.
4. Press START/STOP when you are ready to begin the test.
5. Wait for several tests to be run. For most aids, the analyzer will pause after performing sev
eral measurements in order for you to turn down the gain of the aid.
6. If the analyzer pauses, open the sound chamber and adjust the gain control of the aid until
the MEASURED gain matches the TARGET gain to within 1.5 dB when the sound chamber is
7. Press START/STOP to resume testing.
8. The analyzer will pause again, if you are performing a telecoil measurement, and instruct you
to put the aid in telecoil mode. Do so. Otherwise, skip to step 13.
9. Plug the Telewand into the External Speaker jack on the back of the FP40 and hold the wand
over the aid as you would hold a telephone receiver to your ear. That is, for BTE aids, hold
the wand flat against the body of the aid. For ITE/ITC/CIC aids, hold the wand against the
faceplate of the aid. The aid should be positioned vertically, as it would be worn, in order to
produce the best telecoil response.
10. Press START/STOP to take the telecoil measurements.
11. Put the aid back into microphone mode when the analyzer instructs you to.
12. Unplug the telewand from the External Speaker jack on the back of the FP40.
13. If you have set the aid type to AGC or ADAPTIVE, as described in step 8 of Section 4.1.2, and
if the SET AGC is ON, as described in step 14, the analyzer will pause to allow you to adjust
the AGC controls. Set the compression to maximum, or as recommended by the hearing aid
manufacturer. Otherwise, wait for the test sequence to complete.
14. Press START/STOP to complete the test sequence.
4.1.4 Viewing the results
See Figure 4.1.4 for an example of an ANSI 03 test sequence (including the telecoil measurement).
1. OSPL90: Output measurement at 90 dB SPL
2. RESP60: Response measurement at 60 db SPL at reference test gain
3. SPLITS: Telecoil response curve measurement
4. NR: Noise reduction used in tests
5. SPA/HFA: Frequencies used for the three frequency average
6. MAX: Maximum frequency response measured and the frequency at which it occurred
7. SPA/HFA OSPL90: Three frequency average of the OSPL90 curve