NOTE: Always take time to lubricate all metal and nonmetal parts with a light film of oil before reassembly.
This step will ensure proper fit, at the same time protecting the pump nonmetal parts (i.e., the elastomers)
from cutting and scoring.
1. With a 24mm socket wrench,
remove the (3) discharge valve
plugs and (3) inlet valve plugs
(#32). Inspect the o-ring (#33)
for wear and replace if dam-
2. Using a needle nose pliers,
remove the inlet and discharge
valve assemblies (#32X).
3. The valve assemblies can be
separated by inserting a small
screw driver between the valve
seat (#27) and its valve spring
retainer (#30).
4. Remove each o-ring (#31).
Inspect all parts for wear and
replace as necessary.
5. Apply one drop of Loctite 243
to valve plugs (32) and tighten
to 59 ft.-lbs. For pumps
manufactured prior to 5/97
tighten plugs to 37 ft-lbs.
6. Next, use a 6mm allen wrench
to remove the 6 hex head cap
screws (#34).
7. Carefully slide the valve casing
(#26) out over the plungers
with a screwdriver placed
between the valve casing and
8. Remove weep return rings (#25)
from the plungers (#16).
Remove the seal case (#20)
from either crankcases (#1) or
manifold (#26) by using a
screwdriver as shown above.
NOTE: If there are deposits of any
kind (i.e., lime deposits) in the
valve casing, be certain the weep
holes in the weep return ring
(#25) and valve casing (#26) have
not been plugged.