Reassembly sequence of the P300 Series pump
14. If the oil seals (#19) were
removed, replace them with
the primary seal lip (grooved
side) towards the crankcase
and the dust lip (tapered end)
towards the valve casing
(#26). Lubricate the seal
before replacing. Install the
oil scraper (#18) over the
15. Place each seal case (#20)
with o-rings (#'s 21 and 22)
over the plungers (#16). Be
certain the oil seal is centered
with the seal case and tap
firmly until the seal case is
seated squarely on the
crankcase (#1).For P316,
P317 & P319 pumps, place
pressure ring (#24) in seal
16. With the grooved side
pointed toward the valve
casing, place the weep
grooved seals (23A for
all pumps except P318 &
#23 for P318 only) over
each plunger and into
each seal case (#20).
17. For P318 only, place the
spacer (#23A) (#23B) into
the valve casing (#26). For
all pumps, generously
lubricate the grooved seals
(#23) and assemble these
items into the valve casing.
Place the weep return rings
(#25) onto each plunger
(#16). Place the pressure
rings (#24) over the plung-
ers. Slide the valve casing
over the plungers and seat
firmly. Replace the 6 hex
head cap screws (#34) and
tighten to 216 in.-lbs. in a
crossing pattern.
Contact Giant Industries or you local
distributor for maintenance of the gear
end of your pump. Phone: 419/531-4600