Appendix C-2
Technical Data Appendix C
Dilution Ratio
When using the dual syringe model equipped with
a 25 mL syringe on the left and a 100 µL syringe on
the right, the dilution ratio is 1/25000, but in order
to stay within the RSD range a maximum ratio of
1/500 is recommended.
Minimum Volume
The minimum programmable transfer volume is 1 µL.
However, precise and accurate transfer of such
volumes depends on the following parameters:
• volumetric capacity of the syringe,
• size of the air gap used,
• geometry of the needle tip,
• flow rate used,
• nature of the liquid to be transferred.
Maximum Volume
The maximum volume that can be aspirated from a
vial is limited to the capacity of the syringe or on the
transfer tubing, whichever is the smaller. The total
aspirated volume (air gaps plus liquid volumes) must
be inferior to this volume.
Flow Rate
Flow rates depend on the nature of the liquid
(viscosity), the capacity of the syringe, and the
internal diameter of tubing. For liquids transferred
via the probe, it is possible to adjust the aspirate and
dispense flow rates according to the nature of the
liquid (e.g. viscous liquids must be aspirated slowly).
The default value for ‘Air flow rate’ is 4 mL/min.
Wathever the capacity of the syringe(s).