Operation - Standard Use 4
Essential Steps
If you want to change the configured volume, press
Chge (until you reach the correct value); when the
volumes are the same press ENTER, press the ESC
key to return to the Configuration Screen, or press
Next, after which you see the Air Gap Volume Screen.
Key in the ‘Air gap volume’, press ENTER to confirm
then press the ESC key to return to the Configuration
Screen (see Chapter 5, for a definition of Air Gap).
You must check that the configured volumes are the
same as the sizes to be fitted. Press the Syr soft-key.
The use of the soft-keys is as follows:
Next is used to go to the next screen,
Prev is used to go to the previous screen,
Corr is used to supply a correction factor (see
Chapter 5),
Chge is used to select the size(s) of syringe(s),
Exch is used to lower the piston rods.
To change a syringe size, press the Chge soft-key
until you reach the corresponding volume, then
press ENTER to confirm. Press Exch if you are
ready to lower the piston rods, or when you have
two syringes, press Next. Check that the configured
volume for the right syringe is the same as the size
to be fitted. Press the Chge soft-key until you reach
the corresponding volume, then press ENTER to
confirm. Press Exch if you are ready to lower the
piston rods or press the ESC key to return to the
Configuration Screen.
Whenever you change the configured volume, the
software reminds you to ‘Exchange Syringes’ before
allowing you to quit the configuration screen. Go
directly to page 4-7, which explains how the ‘Ex-
change Syringes’ function works, unless you need
to change flow rates, etc.
Flow Rates
Flow rates should be specified according to the
sizes of syringe and tubing fitted to the 402. Refer
to Chapter 5 for more details, the maximum values
are given in the Tables, these are used as default
values by the software.
Press the Flow soft-key; the Air Flow Screen appears.
Syringe Screen
Air Flow Screen