Whereis® Navigator Installation Guide for HP iPaq with In-Built GPS - version 2.5 Page 17
4.1 Using the HP iPaq with In-Built GPS
Your HP iPaq has an in-built GPS Receiver. To set up your GPS Receiver for operation,
please follow these important instructions to ensure it can locate your position as quickly
as possible.
The default settingsin Whereis® Navigator for the in-built GPS Receiver are
COM Port 7
Baud Rate 4800
The HP iPaq has a utility that enabled the built in GPS Receiver to determine your location
in poor coverage areas. This utility should be run before using Whereis® Navigator to
ensure the GPS locates you quickly.
• Verify the HP iPaq has the correct date and time zone settings.
• Verify your GPRS settings are correctly configured. The HP iPaq has an
automatic detection utility.
o Start -> Setting -> Connections -> GSM/GPRS Manager
• Run the HP Quick GPS Connection Utility
o Start -> Settings -> Connections -> Quick GPS Connection
• Select Download Now (GPRS must be available).
• As a tip, in the future, you can access the Quick GPS Connection Utility by
tapping the icon (
) on the main screen tool bar at the bottom and
selecting Download Now.
• After the GPS Quick Connection has run successfully, GPS performance can
improve significantly.
You can set the utility to automatically run every 2 days to keep your GPS Receiver
up-to-date for improved performance. It should be noted that to successfully obtain a
GPS fix you need to be outdoors with a good view of the sky.
For technical support on the HP iPaq Quick GPS Utility, please visit the support section
for the HP iPaq at