Whereis® Navigator Installation Guide for HP iPaq with In-Built GPS - version 2.5 Page 7
2.2 Installation via Activesync®
Make sure the HP iPaq is inserted in the cradle or connected via the cable and
Microsoft Activesync® is active (green).
NOTE: If you already have a copy of Whereis® Navigator installed on your PC, you will be
prompted to remove it and then you will need to re-run the setup again to install the new
version. All previous settings are deleted upon removal.
Ensure Activesync® is running. The
Activesync® tray icon should be visible in
the bottom right corner of screen.
If it is grey as shown to the right, (re-)
insert the PDA into the cradle.
If you have Whereis® Navigator on CD-
Rom, insert it into the CD Drive on your
PC or Laptop and a menu will
automatically launch after a few seconds.
If you have downloaded the application
from the website, you will need to find the
saved application and run the file to
commence the installation process.
Once the setup wizard is displayed,
click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Note: If you already have a copy of Whereis®
Navigator installed on your PC, you will be
prompted to remove it. You will need to do this
and then re-run the setup to install a fresh
copy of Whereis® Navigator.