Installing the HP UPS Management Module 22
1. On the host computer, click Start, and select
The Connection Description window appears.
2. Enter a description, select an icon for the connection, and then click OK. The Connect To window
3. Select the serial connector on the host computer to which the DB-9 to RJ-45 adapter is attached, and
then click OK. The COM Properties window appears.
4. Select the following parameter values, and then click OK.
o Bits per second—115200
o Data bits—8
o Parity—None
o Stop bits—1
o Flow control—None
Configuring the management module for remote
1. Be sure that you have connected the network cable ("Connecting the network cable" on page 20) to
the management module.
2. Be sure that you have connected the configuration cable ("Connecting the configuration cable" on
page 21) to the management module and the host computer with an open terminal emulation
3. Press the Reset button on the management module front panel.
On the terminal emulation session screen running on the host computer, the POST executes, and the
following prompt appears:
Press any key in 5 seconds to enter Service menu.
4. Press a key to enter the HP UPS Management Module Service Menu.