HP UPS Management Module Service Menu 78
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu
HP UPS Management Module Service Menu
The HP UPS Management Module Service Menu provides an alternative, limited interface to the
management module when the web interface is disabled or not preferred. The menu structure textually
displays various measurements and warning and alarm messages from the management module. Also,
system values and power fail settings can be configured through the Service Menu and sent to the
management module.
NOTE: All status information and configuration parameters included in the HP UPS
Management Module Service Menu are available using the HP UPS Management Module web
interface (on page 41).
Accessing the Service Menu
You can access the Service Menu:
• Remotely through a telnet session (on page 78)
• Locally through a terminal emulation session (on page 79) using an available serial port
Telnet session
Use a telnet session to access the HP UPS Management Module Service Menu:
1. If necessary, configure the management module:
a. Launch a terminal emulation program ("Launching a terminal emulation program" on page 21).
b. Configure the management module remote access settings ("Configuring the management
module for remote access" on page 22).
2. Be sure that you have connected the network cable ("Connecting the network cable" on page 20) to
the management module.
3. Launch telnet by entering the following command at a DOS prompt or the command line:
Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the IP address of the management module.
4. At the prompt, enter the user name and password. The default user name is admin, and the default
password is admin.
For more information about the Service Menu, see "Service Menu (on page 80)."