
Printable Code Area Expansion (ESC I)
1B 49
This control defines whether codes X'00' through X'1F' and codes X'80' through
X'9F' are printable characters or control characters of the active character set.
When NN equals X'01', the codes become printable characters, which allows them
to be used as user-defined characters.
When NN equals X'00', the codes are returned to non-printable characters.
Perform n/216 Inch Line Feed (ESC J)
1B 4A NN
This control performs a vertical move relative to the current presentation position.
NN is a one-byte hexadecimal value that specifies the move amount in units of
1/216 inch. The printer will adjust the value to the nearest 1/144 inch. This control
performs an immediate line feed, but does not affect subsequent line spacing and
does not produce a CR.
Select Single Density Graphics Mode (ESC K)
1B 4B LL HH NN .. NN
This control prints the supplied bit image data at 60 horizontal pel by 72 vertical pel.
Bit image data can be mixed with text data on the same line.
A two-byte count (LL HH) indicates the number of bytes that follow in this control.
LL is the least significant byte of the count; HH is the most significant byte. (The
number of bytes that follow should equal HH × 256 + LL.) If the count equals
X'0000', the control is ignored.
NN .. NN are the bytes containing the bit image data. The data format is in 8-bit
vertical slices, with the least significant bit the bottom dot and the most significant
bit the top dot. B'1' indicates a pel to be printed; B'0' indicates an unprinted pel.
Data that exceeds the right margin is discarded.
Select Double Density Graphics Mode (ESC L)
1B 4C LL HH NN .. NN
This control prints the supplied bit image data at 120 horizontal by 72 vertical pel.
Bit image data can be mixed with text data on the same line.
A two-byte count (LL HH) indicates the number of bytes that follow in this control.
LL is the least significant byte of the count; HH is the most significant byte. (The
number of bytes that follow should equal HH × 256 + LL.) If the count equals
X'0000', the control is ignored.
NN .. NN are the bytes containing the bit image data. The data format is in 8-bit
vertical slices, with the least significant bit the bottom dot and the most significant
bit the top dot. B'1' indicates a pel to be printed; B'0' indicates an unprinted pel.
Data that exceeds the right margin is discarded.
Appendix E. Epson FX-1050 Data Stream 235