
lpi. lines-per-inch. A measure of the number of lines per vertical inch of paper.
Manual Sheet Feed option. This option allows you to feed into the printer a single sheet of paper or a single,
multi-part form.
manufacturing default. A value, attribute, or option that is set or chosen at the time of manufacture. Synonymous
factory default
MB. Megabyte; 1 048 576 bytes.
menu. A list of procedures or actions available for selection.
microcode. Refers to the microprogramming stored in the printer. Microcode is used by the control unit to manage
the printer and its functions.
mm. millimeter.
MSF. Manual Sheet Feed option.
multi-part form. Printer forms that contain more than a single sheet.
nonvolatile memory (NVM). Memory that retains its contents after electrical power is shut off.
NPS. Network Print Server
nonvolatile memory
offline. Not connected to an installed and enabled attachment. Contrast with
online. Connected to an installed and enabled attachment. Contrast with
operating environment. The physical environment; for example, temperature, humidity, layout, or power
operating requirements. A list of requirements, such as environmental, electrical, and space, that must be satisfied
before the printer can be installed.
operator panel overlay. See
overlay. (1) A plastic sheet that is superimposed over the operator panel, and contains text. (2) The printer operating
mode that allows print media from the
to simultaneously process with forms from another forms path.
paper curl. The curve or bend of the paper.
paper path. The entire route that paper travels through the printer from a tray to a stacker. Deprecated term for
forms path
parameter. A variable that is given a constant value during printer and attachment configuration.
parking. A printer state in which a forms type is unloaded from the print area, but still remains on the tractors. When
the forms in one forms path are parked, another forms path or the manual sheet feed can be selected, and the forms
in that path will be loaded into the print area.
pica. A typographer’s unit of measurement for the size of characters. 6 picas equal 1 inch.
Glossary 289