
Chapter 21. Global Copy examples 241
6. The final task was to reestablish Global Copy for the volume pairs; see Example 21-8.
Example 21-8 Restart Global Copy
CESTPAIR DEVN(X'6030') PRIM(X'2060' AAGXA X'30' X'00') -
SEC(X'0002' AAVCA X'30' X'00') -
CESTPAIR DEVN(X'6031') PRIM(X'2060' AAGXA X'31' X'00') -
SEC(X'0002' AAVCA X'31' X'00') -
21.2 Global Copy for migration using the DS CLI
In this example, we show how to use DS CLI commands and scripts to migrate volumes from
an ESS 800 to a DS6000 using Global Copy. In the example, we have only two volumes. In
reality, you would perform the steps for a larger number of volumes. In that case, DS CLI
scripts are particularly useful because the commands can be written in advance and modified
if necessary. Our example also shows the strength of the DS CLI in the management of CKD
copy operations.
In the example, the source volumes are 050A and 050B on LSS 05 of the ESS 800
IBM.2105-22399. The target volumes are 023A and 023B on LSS 02 of the DS6000
The Web Copy Services commands for S/390 volumes ESS Control Switch has to be
enabled on the ESS-800; otherwise, the DS CLI cannot be used to establish CKD volume
pairs. If the control switch is disabled, the following message is issued: CMUN03013E mkpprc:
management is disabled. Contact your IBM service representative to enable the control
switch. The control switch change should be followed by restart of the ESS Copy Services
21.2.1 Migration procedure steps
To use CLI commands and scripts to migrate volumes from an ESS 800 to a DS6000 with
Global Copy, we followed this procedure.
1. We checked the WWNN of the target DS6000 system. Using the DS CLI in one-shot
mode, we issued the lssi command; see Example 21-9. Profile ds6-00247.prf contains
the necessary logon information for the DS6000 target system.
Example 21-9 Check target WWNN
C:\IBM\DSCLI>dscli -cfg ds6-00247.prf lssi
Date/Time: November 22, 2005 4:01:06 PM EET IBM DSCLI Version:
Name ID Storage Unit Model WWNN State ESSNet
- IBM.1750-1300247 IBM.1750-1300247 511 500507630EFFFE16 Online Enabled
2. We checked which FCP ports were available for establishing paths between LSS 05 on
the ESS 800 and LSS 02 on the DS6000. We used the DS CLI in one-shot mode to issue
the availpprcport command; see Example 21-10 on page 242. Profile ess-22399.prf
contains the necessary logon information for the ESS 800 source system.