
406 IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z
Example 26-75 rmsession
dscli rmsession -quiet -lss 65 01 -cfg $DSCLI/profile/DS-01.profile
Date/Time: June 15, 2005 2:20:05 PM EDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7506551
CMUC00146I rmsession: Session 01 closed successfully.
26.13.3 Remove FlashCopy pairs
To remove the FlashCopy pairs you use the command rmflash. The syntax of the rmflash
command is as follows:
dscli rmflash -quiet -seqnum <FlashCopy_Sequence_NB> -cfg <Device configuration
file> <Source_Volume>:<Target_Volume> <Source_Volume>:<Target_Volume> ...
If FlashCopy pairs are in several LSSs, select all of them during this process. If FlashCopy
pairs are spread over several storage images, run this process again on each of them.
Example 26-76 rmflash
dscli rmflash -quiet -seqnum 0000 6500:6502 6501:6503 -cfg $DSCLI/profile/DS-02.profile
Date/Time: June 15, 2005 2:21:21 PM EDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7573731
CMUC00140I rmflash: FlashCopy pair 6500:6502 successfully removed.
CMUC00140I rmflash: FlashCopy pair 6501:6503 successfully removed.
In Example 26-76 we remove two FlashCopy pairs that were established between the source
volumes 6500 and 6501 and the corresponding target volumes 6502 and 6503.
26.13.4 Remove Global Copy pairs
To remove the Global Copy pairs we use the command rmpprc. The syntax of the rmpprc
command is as follows:
dscli rmpprc -dev storage_image_ID -remotedev SourceVolumeID:TargetVolumeID
If the Global Copy pairs are in several LSSs, select all of them during this process. If Global
Copy pairs are spread over several storage images, run this process again on each of them.
Example 26-77 rmpprc
dscli rmpprc -quiet 6500:6500 6501:6501 -cfg $DSCLI/profile/DS-01.profile
Date/Time: June 15, 2005 2:23:19 PM EDT IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.2107-7506551
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 6500:6500 relationship successfully withdrawn.
CMUC00155I rmpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy volume pair 6501:6501 relationship successfully withdrawn.
In Example 26-77 we remove two Global Copy pairs that were established between source
volumes 6500 and 6501 in the storage disk subsystem at the local site, and the same volume
numbers in the storage disk subsystem at the remote site.
26.13.5 Remove paths
Finally we remove the paths with the command rmpprcpath. The syntax of the rmpprcpath
command is as follows:
Note: The quiet option turns off the confirmation prompt for this command.
Note: The quiet option turns off the confirmation prompt for this command.