Part 2: Interfacing and Configuring
Screen 1: The Motion Settings Configuration Screen
The IMS SPI Motor Interface Software opens by default to the Motion Settings Screen shown on the left.
There are six basic parameters that may be set here:
1. MSEL: Microstep Resolution Select.
2. HCDT: Holding Current Delay Time.
3. MRC: Motor Run Current
4. Motor Holding Current
5. User ID: 3-character ID
6. Direction Override: Allows the user to set the CW/CCW direction of the motor in relation to the
Direction Input from the SPI Motor Interface.
MSEL (Microstep Resolution Selection)
The MDriveAC Plus Microstepping features 20 microstep resolutions. This setting specifies the number of
microsteps per step the motor will move.
The MDriveAC Plus MicroDrive uses a 200 step (1.8°) stepping motor which at the highest (default) resolution of
256 will yield 51,200 steps per revolution of the motor shaft.
See Table 2.3.2 for available Microstep Resolutions.
Microstep Resolution Settings
Binary µStep Resolution Settings Decimal µStep Resolution Settings
MS=<µSteps/Step> Steps/Revolution MS=<µSteps/
1 200 5 1000
2 400 10 2000
4 800 25 5000
8 1600 50 10000
16 3200 100 20000
32 6400 125 25000
64 12800 200 40000
128 25600 250 50000
256 51200
Additional Resolution Settings
180 36000 (0.01°/µStep)
108 21600 (1 Arc Minute/µStep)
127 25400 (0.001mm/µStep)
Table 2.3.2: Microstep Resolution Settings
Figure 2.3.7: SPI Motor Interface Motion Settings Screen
Load Factory
Default Settings
Exit Program
Store Settings
to NVM
Three Character
User ID
Microstep Resolution
Holding Current
Delay Time
Motor Run
Motor Holding