MDriveAC Plus Microstepping Hardware - Revision R031808
Relevant to Firmware Version 3.0.02
Ap p e n d i x B
MDrive with Planetary Gearbox
Section Overview
This section contains guidelines and specifications for MDrives equipped with an optional Planetary Gearbox,
and may include product sizes not relevant to this manual.
Shown are:
Product Overview
Selecting a Planetary Gearbox
Mechanical Specications
Product Overview
All gearboxes are factory installed.
Mode of Function
Optional Planetary Gearbox operate as their name implies: the motor-driven sun wheel is in the center,
transmitting its movement to three circumferential planet gears which form one stage. They are arranged
on the bearing pins of a planet carrier. The last planet carrier in each sequence is rigidly linked to the out-
put shaft and so ensures the power transmission to the output shaft. The planet gears run in an internally
toothed outer ring gear.
Service Life
Depending on ambient and environmental conditions and the operational specification of the driving
system, the useful service life of a Planetary Gearbox is up to 10,000 hours. The wide variety of potential
applications prohibits generalizing values for the useful service life.
All Planetary Gearbox are grease-packed and therefore maintenance-free throughout their life. The best
possible lubricant is used for our MDrive/Planetary Gearbox combinations.
Mounting Position
The grease lubrication and the different sealing modes allow the Planetary Gearbox to be installed in any
Operating Temperature
The temperature range for the Planetary Gearbox is between –30 and +140° C. However, the temperature
range recommended for the Heat Sink of the MDrive is 0 to +85º C.
Overload Torque
The permitted overload torque (shock load) is defined as a short-term increase in output torque, e.g. dur-
ing the start-up of a motor. In these all-metal Planetary Gearbox, the overload torque can be as much as
1.5 times the permitted output torque.
Available Planetary Gearbox
The following lists available Planetary Gearbox, diameter and corresponding MDrive.
Gearbox Diameter MDrive
81 mm MDrive34
105 mm or 120 mm MDrive42
Selecting a Planetary Gearbox
There are many variables and parameters that must be considered when choosing an appropriate reduction
ratio for an MDrive with Planetary Gearbox. This Addendum includes information to assist in determining a
suitable combination for your application.