User’s Manual for InterForm400® 227
Work with reformat definition RFM300D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO_REFOR
Description . . . . . . . : Reformat the Demo spooled file
Placing of totals
Select one of the following options:
1. Just after the last detail line
2. Like 1, if there is space for all total lines, otherwise next page.
3. In foot
Option _
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
On this screen you can decide how the total should be inserted:
1. Just after the last detail line
This choice will insert the totals just after the last detail line. If there is no room for all lines for
the total, then the rest is inserted on the next page.
2. Like 1, if there is space for all total lines, otherwise next page.
This works like a 'block protect'. Transfers all the total lines onto the next page if necessary.
3. In foot
Prints the totals in the footer.
Press Enter to proceed to this screen:
Work with reformat definition RFM300D
Definition name . . . . . : DEMO_REFOR
Description . . . . . . . : Reformat the Demo spooled file
Extra total page
Extra total page is created, if number of output detail lines on the last
page is above a certain limit
Limit detail lines if last page is page 1 . . . . __0
Limit detail lines if last page is >1 . . . . . . __0
Total line-ID
If only 1 total page . . . . . . ____
If 2 total pages, first total . . ____
If 2 total pages, extra total . . ____
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
The header may be larger on page 1 for each document, so there might room for fewer detail
lines on the first page than on the subsequent pages. You state here the number of detail
lines that there are room for.
You can also state various line-ID's depending on if the total is spread across two pages or