78 User’s Manual for InterForm400
copy from another overlay:
Design InterForm 400 overlay APF300D
Name of overlay to copy from
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9 = copy from another file-set F12=Cancel
We know that the IF400DEMO overlay is in another file-set, so we have to press F9 once
more to get a list of file-sets to choose from.
: Overview InterForm 400 file-sets :
: 1=Select :
: 1 SAMPLE InterForm 400 Samples :
: _ TEST Test file-set :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: F12=Cancel :
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9 = copy from another file-set F12=Cancel
We select file-set SAMPLE and press Enter:
: Overview overlays :
: Start with: :
: 1=Select :
: 1 IF400DEMO InterForm400 demo :
: :
: :
: :
: :
: F12=Cancel :
Now we select overlay IF400DEMO and press Enter:
Design InterForm 400 overlay APF300D
Overlay name MYDEMO____
Overlay text InterForm 400 Demo Overlay_______________
Line spacing _40 in 1/240 of an inch (1-720)
Rotation 000 (000 090 180 270)
Extra left margin
positions _8 (0-99)
Maximum number of
print positions 378 (1-378)
Extra blank lines
on top _4 (0-99)
Font _111 F4=List
Extended page def. N (Y N)
Drawer *PRINTER (*INPUT, *PRINTER 1-9, 20-39)
Paper Size 0 F4=List
Pages per side __
Copy management N (Y N)
Duplex print N (N=no S=short edge margin L=long edge margin)
Duplex margin __0 in 1/240 of an inch (1-720)
Back page overlay __________ Code for placement _ (B=back page F=front)
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F11=Delete this overlay F12=Cancel